
10 Easy Tips for Making a Travel Insurance Claim

When you take out a travel insurance policy you hope that it is only for peace of mind, a safeguard against something that might but probably won't happen. No-one wants to think about actually having to claim on their travel insurance as that would mean something had gone wrong on their longed-for holiday. However, travel insurance exists for that very reason - sometimes things go wrong. At least if you have taken out a policy you should be covered. Now you just need to know the best and easiest ways to make a claim.

Take your details with you

This may seem obvious but it is surprising how many people pay for a policy and then forget to take the details with them when they go away. It is essential to know exactly what you're covered for so that if you do need to claim for something you know what you're entitled to. Also, many providers insist that you phone them before receiving medical treatment and without the emergency number and your policy details that could prove very tricky.

Make copies of your insurance details

Imagine the scenario - you've remembered to take your travel insurance details with you but they are in your case which gets stolen. It has happened many times before - to prevent that nightmare situation from happening to you, always make copies of your details and keep them somewhere separate. It's a good idea to leave a copy with a family member or friend at home too.

Ask for a police report

If you are the victim of a robbery or a mugging and you need to claim for clothes and essentials bought to replace those lost, you may need to provide the insurance agency with a police report as proof.

Report stolen items immediately

As soon as anything is stolen make sure you report it to both the police and the claims hotline without delay.

Keep receipts

If you buy anything as a result of lost or stolen possessions, have to pay for medical treatment, or need to buy food because of a serious flight delay, it is essential you retain all receipts as proof of purchase.

Keep or create proof of ownership of valuable items

To prove that you own an expensive digital camera, took it on holiday and it really was stolen, it's a good idea to be able to present the insurance provider with proof of ownership. Whether that's a receipt, a warranty, a credit card statement or even a photo - it all helps prove that you're not trying to make a false claim.

Obtain written proof of flight delays

You may have noted a theme here - obtaining proof is essential to ensure that your claims are met by your travel insurance provider. If your flight is delayed by a significant amount of time you should be covered but without written proof of that delay it might be difficult to claim.

Follow the instructions on your policy

If you need to make a claim, your policy should tell you exactly what you need to do - make sure you follow the claims procedure to the letter to ensure everything is handled correctly.

Try and remain patient

It will generally take a minimum of 10 days to process a claim for a stolen item as long as the provider has all the relevant details. When the payment is for a large amount of money, for example for medical treatment, it will often take far longer to gather all the information and proof. There is nothing for you to do but remain patient.

Don't panic

Lastly, don't get too worked up about it. It's horrible but unfortunate things can and sometimes do happen on holiday. As long as you're covered and have followed the tips above, you'll be fine. After all, this is what you took out your travel insurance policy for!

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